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Had Your Travel Vaccination?

September 6th, 2010 by The JetSetter Team | Comments Off on Had Your Travel Vaccination?

travel vaccinationDepending upon where in the world you are going, a travel vaccination review with your doctor might be a good idea first. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have updated information on their website about health threats in various countries. You’ll need to think far enough ahead to schedule a doctor’s visit 4 to 6 weeks before your scheduled departure. Some vaccines take that long to begin working.

The CDC divides the idea of a travel vaccination into three

categories: routine vaccinations, recommended vaccinations, and required vaccinations.

Routine Vaccinations: Routine vaccinations include those against diseases that may be almost unheard of in the United States but are still common elsewhere. You may not be fond of finding out that you need to be poked with a needle a few times but it’s better than a raging case of influenza. Different vaccination schedules apply to adults, adolescents, and children. Particular information can be found on the CDC website at wwwnc.cdc.gov.

Recommended Vaccinations: There are several factors that go into determining if you need a recommended travel vaccination. This category of vaccine is meant to protect you from diseases that might be present in other parts of the world and to keep you from bringing it back home. Factors that go into your doctor’s decision and recommendations are destination country, time of year, travel to rural areas, age, overall health, and vaccination history.

Required Vaccinations: At present, there are two vaccines required by the International Health Regulations. Travel to certain countries in sub-Saharan Africa or Brazil requires that you be vaccinated against Yellow Fever. A meningococcal vaccination is also required by Saudi Arabia if you travel during the annual the Hajj, or trek to Mecca. Take one look at the massive crowds of people thrown together from around the world and you’ll understand why.

Got it? Now go get a travel vaccination if you need one.

The Jetsetter Team


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